Vitex agnus-castus, Purple

Vitex does best in sandy soils with full sun exposure, but does tolerate poor or clay soils as long as they are well-drained. Partial shade is OK, and they also can be grown in large pots. Vitex blooms from mid to late summer with beautiful, fragrant flower spikes loved by bumblebees. The Vitex tree attracts many different types of butterflies and bees and grows anywhere from twelve to twenty feet tall. It can be pruned to be either shrub or tree. It loses its leaves in the fall and can be grown successfully in Zones 6-9. It is drought tolerant after it is established and should be pruned annually if you wish to control the shape and size of the tree.

Vitex tree at BNB

To learn more about Vitex agnus-castus, please see the following websites:

Dave’s Garden

Green and Vibrant

Carpenter Bee on Vitex
Bumblebee on Vitex