We have Cotton Patch geese and goslings for sale! Once commonplace on farms in the southeastern United States, the Cotton Patch is a breed of goose that used to be used to weed cotton and corn fields before herbicides were widely used. They love grass and can keep your orchard or lawn perfectly mowed. They are excellent guard geese, alerting to disturbances. They are also a good meat goose, and their eggs taste like chicken eggs. Make a 3-egg omelet with only a single goose egg! They are an excellent addition to farms, and get along reasonably well with chickens and ducks. They do make some noise, so probably not the best for a backyard urban farm unless you have very understanding neighbors!
Cotton Patch geese are a color sex-linked breed with pink bills and feet, with males being solid white and the females gray or pied (gray and white). The breed is a light- to medium-sized goose, weighing 9-12 lbs at maturity. They are light enough to fly, but once they know where home is, they don’t fly far, and their wings can be clipped if flying is a problem.
They are docile and acclimated to humans, and their personalities and antics are comical to watch. They are a landrace breed, and there is some variability between strains. We have geese from the Walker and James lines. Cotton Patch geese are rare and in need of serious conservation breeders. The Livestock Conservancy rates the Cotton Patch goose conservation status as Threatened. Our geese are good breeder starts, and we sell in pairs matched for maximum genetic diversity. They are good brooders and both males and females are excellent parents. Eggs can be incubated as well, with good hatch rates. Hand-raised goslings that imprint on humans will be your friends for life! Contact us if you are interested in the spring crop of goslings (hatching dates usually start at the end of March and go through mid-May). Some adult geese may be available too.