Red Flowering Gum Tree (Corymbia ficifolia)

The Red Flowering Gum tree (Corymbia ficifolia) is the showoff of the tree world, blooming in late summer with vibrant red, orange, or pink clusters of flowers that are rich with nectar, providing much-needed late-season pollinator forage. Native to western Australia, this tree is well adapted to Mediterranean climates and thrives in coastal California areas. Similar to citrus trees with regard to frost tolerance, they can tolerate temperatures down into the mid-20s. Red Flowering Gum trees prefer infertile, sandy soils but also do well in clay or loamy soils, as long as they are well-drained. They are good street trees, and are used extensively as such in San Francisco and other coastal California cities. The Red Flowering Gum typically grows  from eighteen to forty feet tall, with more typical specimens about 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide. It has evergreen narrow leaves that range from three to seven inches long. New leaves have a reddish tint. Pollinated flowers produce woody seed pods approximately 1 1/2″ long by 1″ in diameter that make great additions to floral arrangements. Pruning out excess seed pods in the fall will keep branches light enough to avoid breaking in strong winds. Red Flowering Gum trees grow quickly and are quite showy when in bloom. Once established, the tree is drought tolerant.

To learn more about the Red Flowering Gum Tree, please see the following websites:

Santa Barbara Beautiful

US Forest Service Fact Sheet

Dave’s Garden